b'130837 842 847WILLIAM RICKETTS free standingWILLIAM RICKETTS imposing doubleCASTLE HARRIS rare pottery koala and pottery sculpture with Aboriginal face, sided pottery bust displaying a tribaljoey on branch figure group,incised Wm. Ricketts, elder on the front and childs face on7cm high16cm high reverse. $6001,000$400600Note: Mounted on a slate base.Signed Wm. Ricketts. 848838 33cm high overall CASTLE HARRIS cream glazed pottery WILLIAM RICKETTS pottery wallPROVENANCE vase with applied grapes and leaves,plaque adorned with two AboriginalOriginally presented by William Rickettsincised Castle Harris,faces, to Sir Henry Bolte (Victorian Premier). 14cm highincised Wm. Ricketts, $6001,000$150250 15cm high, 19cm wide$400600843 849WILLIAM RICKETTS pottery sculptureCASTLE HARRIS (attributed) slip cast 839 with Aboriginal face and engravedpottery fish ornament,WILLIAM RICKETTS pottery wallinscription to the base Out of the rocks9cm highplaque featuring the face of anthey come, spirits from the eternal sun, $150250 Aboriginal elder, incised Wm. Ricketts,incised Wm. Ricketts, 6cm high14cm high $250350850$150250UNA DEERBON pink glazed pottery 844 dish with applied grapes and leaf,signature obscured by glaze,840 WILLIAM RICKETTS double sided19.5cm wideWILLIAM RICKETTS WELCOME rarepottery wall plaque with Aboriginal$150250 pottery tree stump wall pocket adornedelders face and boys face on reverse,with koala and possums, incised Wm. Ricketts,incised Wm. Ricketts, Mt.18cm high 851Dandenong, $400600UNA DEERBON leaf shaped pottery 39cm high dish with applied fruit decoration,$2,5003,500845 incised DEERBON,WILLIAM RICKETTS miniature face20cm wide841 mask sculpture, $250350WILLIAM RICKETTS unusualincised Wm. Ricketts,two-tone pottery vase adorned6cm high 852with an Aboriginal figure, $150250MELROSE WARE hand-painted incised Wm. Ricketts, Potterstoby jug,Sanctuary, Mt. Dandenong, 1937, 846 stamped Melrose Ware, Australian,20.5cm high, 23cm wide CASTLE HARRIS rare pottery koala18cm high$200300figure group, $1,0001,500 5.5cm high$6001,000846 847'