b'45233 241 244An antique walking stick with marineA whalebone walking stick with silverAn unusual antique quadriform walking ivory and timber handle on a whalebonecollar and carved whale tooth handle,stick, crafted from segments of baleen, shaft, 19th century, 19th century, horn and possibly whalebone (unsure), 92cm high 85cm long 19th century,$500800 $50080081cm high$400600 234 242An antique walking stick with whalesH.M.A.S. SYDNEY Presentation245tooth handle, baleen spacers andwalking stick with silver plaqueThree Australian walking sticks, whalebone shaft, 19th century, A Token Of Esteem From A.C.T.blackwood, mulga and myrtle, 88cm high Branch, R.S.S.A.I.L.A., 19th/20th century,$6001,000 enamel plaque in the top of the handlethe largest 92cm high (3)reads Wood From H.M.A.S. Sydney. $300500 235 The Sydney was famed for being the An antique walking stick with whalesfirst Australian naval ship to engage246tooth handle carved in the form of athe enemy in battle in WW1 on theAn antique Australian walking stick with hammer head with baleen spacers and1st of November 1914, where shecarved boot handle, silver collar on a whalebone shaft, 19th century, encountered the German light cruiserfiddleback blackwood shaft with brass 82cm high the S.M.S. EMDEN in what becameferrule, 19th century,$600800 known as the Battle of the Cocos. 79cm high88cm high $300500 236 $500800 An antique walking stick with whales243 247tooth handle, baleen spacer andA sailors walking stick with TurkmansAn antique walking stick with whalebone shaft, 19th century, knot rope handle, rose gold plated collarTasmanian musk handle, engraved silver 96cm high engraved MURTLE and timber shaft,cap, on a fiddleback blackwood shaft $50080019th century, with brass ferrule, 19th century,missing ferrule. 90cm high237 83cm high $250350 An antique walking stick with carved$200300 whales tooth handle, baleen, casuarina and honeysuckle spacers, on a whalebone shaft, 19th century,84.5cm high$600800238An antique walking stick with carved whales tooth handle, baleen spacer and ferrule, on a segmented stingray vertebrae shaft, 19th century,92cm high$500800 239An antique walking stick with carved fist whales tooth handle, silver collar, on a fiddleback blackwood shaft with metal ferrule, 19th century,93cm high$500800240An antique walking stick with sample wood handle including huon pine, blackwood, cedar and some form of exotic ebony, mounted with a rose gold collar with ownership inscription, on a beefwood casuarina shaft with brass ferrule, early 20th century,88cm high$300500 235 237 239'