b'101727727John Monash Jany / 1920 dated signature to blank front endpaper of Tanks 1914-1918 The Log-Book of a Pioneer by Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Albert G. Stern, [London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1919], 1st ed., 298pp + photo plate.A presentation copy with tipped in dedication dated Feb.14, 1921:To General Sir John Monash,726 under whose command the Tanks had their greatest success.John Monash Dec / 20 dated signature to blank title pageThis was due to the opportunities given them and the of Vol.1 of The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle by Tobiassuccessful cooperation of the infantry with them.Smollett, [London : George Routledge & Sons; 1890],With kindest regards from the author,2 volumes. Albert G. Stern.$200300 $5001,000724 725 726'