b'30246 254RICHARD CLEMENTS group ofMAUREEN WILLIAMS three Australian art glass scentAustralian blue art glass vase,bottles in pink and blue tones, incised M. Williams, 91,all bearing impressed seal prunts, 16cm highthe largest 10cm high (3) $120200 $300500255247 COLIN HEANEY Australian RICHARD CLEMENTS groupiridescent art glass vase scallop of three Australian sphericalshell ornament,form art glass scent bottles, engraved Heaney, 1996, with all bearing impressed seal prunts, original foil label,the largest 7.5cm high (3) 8cm wide$300500$120200 248 256RICHARD CLEMENTS groupDENIZEN purple art glass of three Australian squat formvase by ROBERT WYNNE,art glass scent bottles, impressed Denizen to base,all bearing impressed seal prunts, 13.5cm highthe largest 7cm high (3) $120200253$300500 257249 CHRIS PANTANO blue sommerso RICHARD CLEMENTS group of threeAustralian art glass scent bottle of260Australian decorative art glass scenttriangular form, COLIN HEANEY Australian bottles, one with spiraling black stopper, incised Chris Pantano, art glass vase,all bearing impressed seal prunts, 14.5cm high engraved C. Heaney, 2000, the largest 10cm high (3) $200300with original foil label,$30050015.5cm high258 $150250 250 PAULINE DELANEY Australian RICHARD CLEMENTS group ofiridescent blue art glass vase, 261three Australian decorative artengraved Pauline Delaney, COLIN HEANEY Australian blue glass scent bottles in pink tones, 22.5cm high and gold art glass goblet,all bearing impressed seal prunts, $150250engraved C. Heaney, 2000, the largest 14.5cm high (3) with original foil label,$300500259 23cm highEAMONN VERIKER spherical white$120200 251 and clear Australian art glass vase,RICHARD CLEMENTS group ofengraved Eamonn with original label, 262three Australian art glass scent19cm high EILEEN GORDON Australian bottles, including a square pillow$120200blue art glass bowl,form example in yellow, engraved Eileen Gordon, 2001, all bearing impressed seal prunts, with original foil label,the largest 7.5cm wide (3) 16cm high, 26cm wide$300500$120200 252RICHARD CLEMENTS group of four Australian art glass scent bottles,all bearing impressed seal prunts,the largest 11cm high (4)$300500 253KEITH ROWE Australian mottled and frosted art glass vase,impressed mark to base,25cm high$250350246'