b'1682 87 92REMUED pottery jug with appliedREMUED pottery vase and two potteryREMUED ribbed pottery vase gumnuts, leaf and branch handle, glazedjugs, all with applied gumnuts and leaves with branch handle,in brown and green with grey interior, incised signatures to bases, incised Remued 262/9,incised Remued, Hand Made,the largest 10.5cm high (3) 26cm highwith original foil label, $200300$150250 10.5cm high$15025088 93REMUED and PAMELA three blueREMUED pottery jug glazed in 83 glazed pottery vases with pinkbrown and green with applied REMUED blue glazed pottery vasehighlights, including workmans piecegumnuts, leaf & branch handle,with applied gumnuts, leaf and branchwith unusual leaf decoration and incisedincised Remued 173SM,handle, interior glazed in green, markings (unsigned), branch handle8cm high, 12.5cm wideincised Remued 42LM, example signed Pamela, 1934 and$250350 19.5cm high the other incised Remued,$600800 the largest 10cm high (3) 94$250350 84 REMUED ribbed cylindrical 89 pottery vase glazed in brown and REMUED cylindrical pottery vasegreen with cream highlights,with applied gumnuts and leaf,REMUED two blue and creamincised Remued 145/9,glazed in blue, cream and orange, glazed pottery vases with23cm highincised Remued, 145/9M, applied branch handles, $200300 21cm high the larger incised Remued,$400600 12cm and 13cm high (2)$1502509585 REMUED cylindrical pottery vase REMUED pottery wall pocket with90 with applied gumnuts and leaves, gumnuts and leaves, a blue andREMUED blue glazed potteryglazed in green and brown,green glazed vase with gumnut andvase with applied gumnuts andincised Remued, Hand Made, leaf, a green glazed vase with ribbedleaf, together with a blue glazed145/9M,handle, and a blue and green glazedfruit bowl with branch handle, 23.5cm highvase with applied grapes and leaf, both incised Remued, $400600 all incised Remued, the vase 22.5cm high (2)the wall pocket 21cm high (4) $250350 $150250 9186 REMUED blue glazed pottery jug with REMUED two pottery jugsbranch handle, together with five with branch handles, assorted basket vases,11cm and 14cm high (2) the jug 25cm high (6)$100200$150250 83 84'