b'105740747 750John Monash Sept 27 dated signature to blank frontPERCIVAL (PERCY) ISRAEL WHITE (1885-1967),end paper of Popular Fallacies Explained and CorrectedPortrait of John Monash Bennett,by A.S.E. Ackermann.[London : The Old Westminster Press, 1924.], 984pp. pencil, charcoal, Indian white on card,$200300 endorsed With P.I. Whites compliments 1929,36 x 26cm.748 John Monash Bennett, born 10 May 1922, died March 1929.John Monash March / 1927 dated signature to blank frontPercival (Percy) Israel White, born Peretz Witofski in July 1885, end paper of Kaiser Wilhelm II by Emil Ludwig, attended the Vilnius Art School in Lithuania where one of his [London : G.P. Putnams Sons, 4th impression 1926],fellow students was Marc Chagall. His teachers and mentors 459pp + plates. included Adolf von Menzel. He worked in Leningrad, Berlin, Paris and London for many years, before emigrating with his $200300family to Australia in 1926. In London he exhibited with the sculptor Jacob Epstein. In Melbourne in 1963 his entry in the 749 third annual exhibition of members of the Jewish Society of John Monash August / 1928 dated signature to blank frontArts was awarded the best overall exhibit and his oil painting end paper of Life in the Stars by Sir Francis Younghusband, Indian Shepherd was nominated for the BNai Brith Interstate [London : John Murray, 2nd ed. 1928],and New Zealand Travelling Exhibition. He exhibited in the 222pp + plates + adverts. 1964 and 1965 annual exhibitions at the Toorak Gallery. Mr With a tipped-in dedication In admiration of the AustralianWhite was the first official patron of the Melbourne-based Corps, November 1918. The finest fighting force the world hasBezalel Fellowship of Arts in 1965. He was commissioned to ever seen. Francis Younghusband, October 1928. paint a portrait of retiring Chief Justice Sir Frank Gavan Duffy The book is further enhanced by a tipped-in two page letterin about 1935. Some of Whites other portraits include Dr from the author to Monash, which concludes: W Moloney MP, Sir John McFarland, Sir John Monash, and If you should come to England pray let me know for I shouldRabbis Dr Joseph, Dr H Sanger, Chaim Gutnick. In 1927 White like to tell you personally of the admiration I have for the Corpsentered drawings in pencil of Sir John Monash and Gustave you so splendidly commanded. Stahel in the Archibald Prize, as he did in 1928 of Mr Edward $500800Vidler and Dr William Maloney MHR. Percy Whites portrait of Sir Isaac Isaacs in judicial robes and wig was unveiled in the presence of state and federal members of parliament at Monash House in Melbourne on 7 January 1932.From John Monash by Geoffrey Serle [1982] at page 499In March 1929 Monash was stricken by the sudden death from a rare influenza virus of his elder grandson, John Monash Bennett - the torch-bearer of my name. He had only just begun at Scotch College. Monash wrote to Walter [Rosenhain, his brother-in-law]:No one will ever know how much I had built upon this boy. He had been my constant companion since his birthWhile in no sense a prodigy, he was an exceptionally talented lad, and extraordinarily lovable.Monash endowed a prize at Scotch College and had a drinking fountain erected in his grandsons memory.$1,0002,000750 747'