b'109772 773769 772A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER FROM MONASH TO HISA POEM WRITTEN ON THE DEATH OF JOHN MONASHDAUGHTER, BERTHA: dated 29/12/30 and headed Iona;William A. Tainsh (1880 - 1967),Monash writes to ask for Berts advice about the best wayThe Last Parade,to transport his white military helmet, peaked forage capA three stanza tribute to Monash, composed by Tainsh, and two felt hats as well as additional headwear he shallwith his name and dated 1931 at lower right,be getting in Bombay. Should he buy a roomy ladies hatpen and red and black ink on vellum,box.and what ought I to pay for such a hat box?; he signsframed 40 x 32.5cm overall.off yours affectionately, John Monash. $300500$300500 773770 ROY CECIL HODGKINSON (1911-1993),A carved blackwood lidded pot, with silver plaque affixedUntitled sketch of Monash reviewing Australian under the lid: GENERAL SIR JOHN MONASH, G.C.M.G.,troops marching past his vantage point,K.C.B. from the COUNCIL OF THE WORKING MENS COLLEGE. 23 - 7 - 31., pen and indian ink on paper,17cm high, 16cm wide. signed and endorsed lower right, Mrs Gershon Bennett, The Working Mens College was a college of further educationwith compliments, R. Hodgkinson, 34,located in Melbourne. It was founded in 1887 by prominent36 x 47cm; framed 38 x 50cm overall.Victorian parliamentarian and philanthropist, Francis Ormond.Between 1929 and 1931, Hodgkinson worked as an illustrator It became the third official provider of higher education in theand cartoonist for two Sydney newspapers (Daily Guardian Colony of Victoria. The college was the predecessor to theand The Sun). He then moved to Melbourne where he worked current-day Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMITfor The Herald.University). Today, the original building of the college is knownMrs Gershon Bennett (Bertha) was John Monashs daughter.as RMIT Building 1 (Francis Ormond Building). $300500Monash passed away three months after receiving this gift.$300500771John Monash April / 1931 dated signature to blank front end paper of The Apple Cart : a Political Extravaganza by George Bernard Shaw,[London : Constable and Co., 1930, 1st edition], 78pp.$200300 770'