b'71576575PENTRIDGE PRISON: A records book documenting the discharge of one hundred and eighty-four prisoners over the period from September 14th 1908 to March 3rd 1909. Abounding in specific historical detail, each record features both front and profile photographs of the individual, a section of biographical details, the inducting officers comments regarding physical particularities such as scars, tattoos, etc., and an accounting of the offenders crime(s), trial(s), and sentence(s) served. Filed under English-Speaking Races,Ex 575Known Foreigners, or Coloured Races, a diversity of persons are present, including notably several women, Chinese,569South Asians, Jews, and Muslims. For example, 576 577An Indigenous man born in VictoriaPLUG 8 convict era handcuffs with key,A replica ball and chain, 20th century,in 1880, Jacob Harrison worked as a19th century, 128cm longlabourer. At the age of twenty-nine, he13.5cm wide $150250 served a term of three months hard$350450labour on a charge of indecent assault.Born in China in 1873, Som Lee worked in Melbourne as a laundryman, and was arrested in 1908 for having opium in his possession. Unable to pay the 30 fine, he was forced to serve a term of three months in prison.Born in New South Wales in 1877, Ethel Smith later went on to lead a difficult life in Victoria, experiencing periods of homelessness punctuated by periods of work as a domestic servant which it seems typically ended due to her stealing from her employer.Born in Victoria in 1875, William Walthe fell into a life of minor crime at the age of fifteen. Upon his entry into Pentridge Prison in 1908, the inducting officer was forced to continue writing on the back of the page in order to574fully document Walthes twenty-four previous offences.$4,0006,000'