b'116798The QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL, named to PRIVATE W. MALING No.331. 1st REG. C.B.C.William Alfred MALING was a member of the New South Wales Citizens Bushmen Contingent.$300500799The QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL, with clasps for TRANSVAAL and SOUTH AFRICA 1902; named to 607 PTE. H. TRAPP. AUST: COMM: H.Henry TRAPP was a Victorian member of the 2nd Battalion, Australian Commonwealth Horse.$300500800The QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL, named to 38A PTE. J.C. RYAN, VICTORIAN M.R.John Philip RYAN was a member of the 1st Victorian Mounted Rifles Contingent. 798 802$300500801 807The QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL,PAIR TO AN AUSTRALIAN: 1914-18 British War Medal named to 48A PTE W. KIRBY, VICTORIA M.R. and 1914-15 Star, both named to 2349 PTE. W.P. DUNN. Walter KIRBY was a member of the 1st Victorian Mounted26 - BN. A.I.F. (2 medals).Rifles Contingent. William Patrick DUNN from Fitzroy in Victoria, a Private with $300500 the 12th Australian Infantry Battalion, was killed in action in France on 24 July 1916.802 $200300 The QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL, with 5 clasps for CAPE COLONY, ORANGE FREE STATE, TRANSVAAL,808SOUTH AFRICA 1901 and 1902; named to 943 SDLR: -VICTORIAN GOLF ASSOCIATION 1916 WAR MEDALS: SERJT: W. MUIR. VICTORIAN M.R. Bronze golf prize medallions (2), both engraved to J. G. Saddler William MUIR was a member of the 5th VictorianHackett for September 1916 (Mordialloc Golf Club) and Mounted Rifles Contingent. September 1917 (Frankston Golf Club).$300500 $100150 803 809The QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL, with 4 clasps forAn attractive group of three embroidered pieces, comprising ORANGE FREE STATE, TRANSVAAL, SOUTH AFRICAof a stunning AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH MILITARY 1901 and 1902; named to 2072 TPR: E.C. DONOHUE.FORCES Rising Sun, a 1916 18th Battalion Souvenir of N.S. WALES M.R. Egypt, and a ANZAC for valour Bravo Australia piece $200300depicting a kangaroo and two medals. Various sizes. (3).$550650 804WWI PRINCESS MARY Christmas 1914 cake tin, 81013cm wide Two WW1-period flare guns, one by Webley & Scott, $80120the larger 25cm long (2)$300500 8051914-15 STARS: All named to Australian Servicemen: named811to 1187 PTE. A. DOW 17/BN. A.I.F.; 1203 PTE T. CHAPPLE.WEBLEY & SCOTT WW1 period flare gun 30 BN. A.I.F.; 1594 PTE. T. MURPHY 17/BN. A.I.F.; 3521with broad arrow mark,PTE. W. MAHER. 2/BN. A.I.F. and 3465 PTE. J.E. SMITH.25cm long6/BN. A.I.F. (5 medals). $400600 $500600 806 812PAIR TO AN AUSTRALIAN: 1914-19 Victory Medal and 1914-PAIR TO AN AUSTRALIAN: 1914-18 British War Medal15 Star, both named to 1120 PTE. L. BEGGS. 22 - BN. A.I.F. and 1914-15 Star, both named to 2553 DVR. R. STANLEY.(2 medals).D A COL. A.I.F. (2 medals). Leonard BEGGS was with the 22nd Australian Infantry Reuben STANLEY was a driver with the DivisionalBattalion. The 22nd Battalion was raised at Broadmeadows Ammunition Column. north of Melbourne, in early 1915.$150200$150200 '