b'115797 796 794792 795The EGYPT MEDAL to an AUSTRALIAN serving inThe QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL, with SUDAN: silver, with undated reverse; engraved to 1018.clasps for ORANGE FREE STATE and TRANSVAAL; GUN: G. TAYLOR. N.S.W. ARTY: named to 1907 TPR: H. McBRIDE. N.S. WALES M.R.with clasp added, to be worn as a badge. Hugh McBRIDE was a member of the 3rd New South Wales Taylor was a member of the New South Wales contingentMounted Rifles Contingent.of volunteers who answered the Empires call following$300500the spread of the Anglo-Egyptian war into the Sudan. It was the first foreign engagement for troops from796the Australian Colonies.$1,0002,000 The QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL, with clasps for CAPE COLONY, ORANGE FREE STATE and TRANSVAAL; named to 1187 TPR: J. WILSON. N.S. WALES M.R.793 John WILSON was a member of the 3rd New South Wales The QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL, withMounted Rifles Contingent.TRANSVAAL and SOUTH AFRICA 1902 clasps;$300500named to 409 PTE C.W. ROUSE. AUST. COM: H.Charles William Rouse was a Victorian member of the 2nd797Battalion, Australian Commonwealth Horse.$300500 The QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL, named to 260 TPR. P.A. RYAN C.B.C.794 Patrick Albert RYAN was a member of the New South Wales Citizens Bushmen Contingent.The QUEENS SOUTH AFRICA MEDAL,$300500named to 233 CORL. H. TREDREA, VIC: MTD: RIFLES.Henry TREDREA was a member of the 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles Contingent.$300500792 793 795'