b'25173 185174 180 186DAVID & HERMIA BOYDPATRICIA FLEMMING greenELIZABETH CUMMINGS pottery bowl with sgraffito fishglazed pottery bottle vase, hand-painted pottery bowl,decoration to the interior, incised Patricia Flemming, signed Cummings, 74,incised David + Hermia Boyd, 1955, 31.5cm high 8cm high, 29.5cm wide5cm high, 10.5cm diameter $120200$150250 $120200 181 187175 STANISLAV HALPERNARTIST UNKNOWN studio pottery Two studio pottery vases, pottery sheep statue, pilgrims flask with bull decoration,both bearing square seal marks, 3cm high, 6cm long incised signature (illegible), dated 1977,19.5cm and 15cm high (2) $10020045cm high$120200$150250 182176 VICTOR GREENWAY188RICHARD BROOKS pottery vase withstudio pottery vase, LEE GOLLER mottled green hand-painted bird and flower decoration, signature to base, glazed studio pottery vase,seal mark near base, 32cm high 30cm high34cm high $200300$120200 $120200 183 189177 COL LEVY studio pottery teapot, ARTIST UNKNOWN pottery horse ADRIAN McMILLAN 17cm high statue with turquoise glaze,brown glazed pottery charger, $120200seal button to rump (illegible),signed A. McMillan 1984, 40cm high43cm diameter 184 $200300 $120200ELLIS two pottery vases,one signed Ellis, 190178 the larger 10cm high (2) HERMANNSBURG hand-painted GREG DALY studio pottery bowl, $100200pottery vase with echidna lid, together signed Daly, with a book Hermannsburg Potters, 9cm high, 30cm diameter 185 Aranda Artists of Central Australia by $120200Jennifer Isaacs [Syd. 2000], hardcover ALAN PEASCODwith d/j (two items),blue glazed pottery vase, the vase 17.5cm high (2)179 signed near handle,ARTIST UNKNOWN27cm high $300500 tall studio pottery lidded vase, $250350bearing seal mark,52cm high$120200 '