b'93703Session TwoSunday 26 May, 10am (AEST)The General Sir John Monash Collection(Lots 703776)703 Marshall Earl Haig, Herbert Samuel, Austen Chamberlain, JOHN MONASHS AUTOGRAPH ALBUM, General Sir H.A. Laurence, Lord Birkinhead, Sir R. Henderson, burgundy leather binding with gilt rules, Baron Lionel Rothschild, Solomon Barnato Joel, Sylvia overall 19 x 13.5cm, Fenwick, Viscount Burnham, Sir John Grice, Keith Murdoch, Sir Walter Davidson, Sir Neville Howse, Lady Helen Munro-with hundreds of tipped-in or written signatures, many withFerguson, W.A. Holman, Paul Vinogradoff, Rudyard Kipling, additional greetings or messages in the hand of the signatory.W.E. Gladstone, Marquess of Salisbury, Alfred Deakin, Andre A loose-leaf typed index dated 27/4/31 is inserted at theLedoux, Theodore Fink, Georg Swinburne, Sir Arthur Stanley, front and in the majority of cases, Monash has added details,Senator G.F. Pearce, General Diaz, Dora Ohlfsen, Andrew titles, etc. in pencil. A truly remarkable personal record ofFisher, Mary Carmichael, Sir William Ellison-Macartney, the great men and women of the late 19th Century andArthur Balfour, John Bernard Seely, W. Lloyd George, Winston early 20th Century. Churchill, Clementine Churchill, W.A. Watt, Sir John Madden, Page one carries only one signature, John Monash, Lieut- Peter Hirschbein, Esther Shumaitcher-Hirschbein, Earl General, page three features the handwriting of QueenStradbroke, Sir Joseph Cook, W. Massey Greene, Thomas Victoria (dated 1845), page four is signed George R.I. andEdison, C.J. Dennis, John Longstaff, Tom Roberts, Jascha dated August 5th, 1919, page five by Mary R on the sameSpiwakowsky, Judge John Jacob Cohen, Arthur Streeton, Dr. date. Other members of the English Royal Family EdwardJ.W. Springthorpe, C.E.W. Bean, S.M. Bruce, Harry Lauder, P, Albert and Mary share page six and later pagesVice Admiral Saito, T.W. Edgeworth-David, Sir Baldwin include Herbert Hoover, Harry Wilson, John Pershing, GeneralSpencer, Flying Officer C.W. Hill, Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Smuts, Lord Northcliffe, Billy Hughes, General Julian Byng,Douglas Mawson, Viscount Jellicoe, Lady Violet Astor, Lord Field Marshall Birdwood, Solomon Solomon, Harry Chauvel,Stonehaven, Viscount Allenby, Alan Cobham, Percy Grainger, Arthur Conan Doyle, Herman Cohen, Sir Israel Gollanz, MajorNellie Stewart, Bert Hinkler, Gladys Moncrieff, Lancaster General Swinton, Sir R. Munro-Ferguson, Sir Noel Birch,& Miller, Sir Isaac Isaacs, Charles Kingsford Smith, Amy General Sir Ian Hamilton, Sir General Strickland, RobertJohnson, Sir Victor Sassoon, J.H. Scullin, John D. Rockefeller, Baden Powell, Admiral Sir Lionel Halsey, Lord Forrest, FieldPeter Dawson, and many more.$10,00020,000'