b'1365 6664 66 68REMUED pottery vase with appliedREMUED pottery jug in vibrant pink andREMUED pottery jug with applied gumnuts and leaf, glazed in vibrant pinklime green glaze with applied gumnut,gumnuts, leaf and branch handle, and green with blue interior, leaf decoration and branch handle, unusual pink, mauve and mustard incised Remued, Hand Made, incised Remued 173SM, glaze with green interior,11cm high, 17cm wide 7.5cm high, 13cm wide incised Remued,$6001,000$250350 7cm high, 13cm wide$25035065 67REMUED early pottery jug withREMUED pottery jug with applied gumnut and leaf withapplied gumnut, leaf and branch branch handle, unusually darkhandle, glazed in pink, mauve pink and green colourway, and green,incised Remuedincised Remued 173/SM, with circular black ink stamp, Hand Made,10.5cm high 8cm high, 11cm wide$250350 $250350 68 63'