b'53420Three assorted vintage shell bead necklaces,the largest 110cm long (3)$300500 421Three vintage shell and seed pod necklaces,the largest 86cm long (3)$250350 422Two Australian seed pod necklaces,the larger 120cm long (2)$120200 423Two Australian shell bead necklaces,the larger 120cm long (2)$120200 424Four assorted Australian shell bead and seed pod necklaces,the largest 120cm long (4) 418$120200 425 430 435Four assorted Australian shell beadA 9ct yellow gold signet ring,Antique silver cased pocket watch necklaces, set with an impressive solid white opal,retailed by Golding of Hobart, the largest 92cm long (4) 20th century, accompanied by a sterling silver fob $120200stamped 9ct, chain, silver fob brooch, silver bangle, 13.5 grams total penny ornament, Medical Society of 426 $400600 Victoria enamel car badge and four assorted badges, 19th and 20th century, A Tasmanian mariner shell bead(10 items)necklace (damaged), together with a431shell bead necklace, (2) A vintage Australian silver bangle$120200 $120200decorated with gumnuts, blossoms and leaves, 20th century, 436427 stamped ZS.L. 925, A 9ct gold brooch, set with three opal 125 grams doublets,RHODA WAGER attributed silver and$2003004cm wideopal doublet bar brooch, circa 1925, $250350 6.8cm wide 432$120200An Australian silver and opal gumleaf437428 brooch stamped SCANDIA SILVER,AUSTRALIANA group of silver and a cross pendant made from opal vein insilver finished ornaments, jewellery, PROUDS of Sydney, vintage 18ctmatrix, and an opal pendant on affixedstickpins, baby teething ring/rattle etc, white gold and platinum bar brooch,chain with rose gold bulldog clasp, including an antique Australian silver set with a 7mm pearl, flanked by sixthe brooch 6.5cm long (3) brooch by WENDT of South Australia, graduated brilliant cut white diamonds,$12020019th and 20th century, (13 items)mid 20th century, $150250 stamped PROUDS, 18ct, PLAT.5.6cm wide, 4.7 grams 433$500800A 9ct gold and opal ring, together with a 9ct gold and opal doublet pendant,429 the pendant 3.3cm high, 3 grams total (2)An Aboriginal vintage mariner and$120200 cowrie shell bracelet on woven fibre, early to mid 20th century, 43419cm long Two silver and opal rings, $150250late 20th century, (2)$120200 430'