b'1711122THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image B9 - Title: Their Day Out,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date TUESDAY APR. 21, 1931 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, A holiday gathering of royal penguins on Nuggets Beach at Macquarie Island,20 x 26cm.$150250 1123THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image B10 - Title: Antarctic Alpine Club,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date TUESDAY APR. 28, 1931 verso, together1119with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, .members assembled on an icy dais to greet the members of the B.A.N.Z. expedition.,20 x 26cm.$200300 1124THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image B11 - Title: An Antarctic Chameleon,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date TUESDAY APR. 28, 1931 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, A phenomenal iceberg which changed colour and overturned while the Discovery was passing by.,20 x 26cm.$150250 1125 1126THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION: 1127Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Image B12 - Title: Ruin and Regeneration - Macquarie Island, Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONImage B14 - Title: The Ice was Here, The Ice was There, The handstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 27, 1931 verso,Ice was All Around,together with the official letterhead, title, and details of thewith official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION image, In the foreground stands the ruins of a factory oncehandstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 27, 1931 verso, devoted to boiling down penguins for oil., together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the 26 x 20cm. image, The Discovery passing through the ice-encumbered $200300waters of Mackenzie Sea.,20 x 26cm.1126 $200300 THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: 1128Image B13 - Title: Distinguished Movie Star Visits South PolarTHE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Regions, Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONImage B15 - Title: Promenading Along the White Way,handstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 27, 1931 verso,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION together with the official letterhead, title, and details of thehandstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 27, 1931 verso, image, The world-famous rodent.doffing his bowler to antogether with the official letterhead, title, and details of the Antarctic rival comedian, image, A typical scene along the ice-girt foreshore of King 20 x 26cm. George V Land,$200300 20 x 26cm.$200300 '