b'213The collection of Dr. Jan Jerzy Saave, OBE (1920 - 2006)Born in Poland in 1920, Dr Saave was a qualified surgeonprofessionalism on many levels. He published widely and specialist in Tropical Medicine. He lived and workedin medical journals and actively participated in WHO in Papua New Guinea from the 1950s, and for manysessions focusing on malariology.years after his dedicated work as a surgeon in Rabaul, heIn 2003 Dr Saave was made a life member of the directed the Malaria Eradication Programme, ultimatelyMedical Society of Papua New Guinea. Because of the becoming Head of Tropical Medicine in the then Territoryimportance of his contribution to medicine in PNG, he of Papua & New Guinea. was made an Officer of the British Empire in 2000. He was a great friend to the people of PNG, andHe was a skilled linguist, a writer, a music lover and a especially East New Britain. Dr Saave was an avidgourmet. A man of forceful personality, and great charm, collector of their art, artifacts and shells, with the aim ofhe made many friends, and was never reluctant to preserving their uniqueness; many of these items beingchallenge views he did not agree with. He was known given to him as gifts. Dr Saave made various donationsas the Medico extraordinaire, malariologist, maestro, to museum collections. He undertook early researchmentor and linguist.into tropical cancers, was passionate about improving the health and wellbeing of all Papua New Guineans: demonstrating his compassion, hard work, and medical Tribal Artefacts & Artworks1384Tribal bows, arrows and walking sticks, Papua New Guinea and Bougainville Island, circa 1970, (21 items)$150250 1385Baba helmet mask, woven fibre with ochre decoration, Maprik, East Sepic River, Papua New Guinea,36cm high$1502501385'