b'76605GARY TONKIN scrimshaw whales tooth engraved with scene of a mother whale and calf, signed lower right G. TONKIN, 98,an impressive 17cm long$2,5003,500606Antique whalebone brush, egg cup, busk and two bodkins, 19th century,the busk 22.5cm long (5)$150250605607 611 615An antique sperm whale tooth, hold andAn antique carved whalebone toggleAn Inuit carved walrus tusk cut base, 19th century, decorated with an anchor, 19th century, ornament with dog sled team, 15.5cm high 2.5cm long early to mid 20th century,$8001,200 $12020032cm long608 $600800 612TABUA Fijian Chieftains whaleAn antique Inuit carved walrus tusk616tooth pendant with engraved marks,cribbage board with hand-painted finish,An antique Inuit carved whalebone 19th century, 19th/20th century, handle, most likely from a knife, 14cm long 46cm long adorned with bird motif and cross $6001,000 $1,5002,500hatched decoration, 19th century,12.5cm long609 613 $150250 TABUA Fijian Chieftains whale toothAn antique sawfish bill (rostrum), pendant, engraved NAWOKAMA,19th/20th century, 61719th century, 107cm long Four assorted carved whale tooth and 15.5cm long $400600bone Inuit seal and walrus ornaments, $1,0001,500 20th century,610 614 the largest 8cm long (4)A model whale harpoon gun$150250 LANCE TIP, forged steel with makerspaperweight, 20th century,stamp (illegible), 19th century, 10cm high, 18cm long 61831cm long, $300500 Four assorted Inuit antique hand $120200tools and harpoon tips, 19th and early 20th century,the largest 16.5cm long (4)$250350 608607 609'