b'21213771376 1378 1380JASON BENJAMIN (1971-2021), RONALD CHARLES (Ron)Three assorted original artworks Will you ever really know?, ROBERTSON-SWANN (b.1941), including a portrait of a gent, a landscape and a portrait of a young girl,etching, signed, dated 2007, titled andOutward Bound 1, 2018, the largest 81 x 54cm overall (3)editioned 6/75 in the lower margin, acrylic and card on canvas, $100200 20 x 20cm, 51.5 x 48cm overall. signed and titled by the artist, verso,$200300 approx. 16 x 21cm;1381framed 37 x 39cm overall.1377 PROVENANCE Three assorted vintage landscape Charles Nodrum Gallery, Melbourne. paintings,TOMMY WATSON (c.1935-2017), the largest 40 x 50cm overall (3)Untitled, $500750$100200 etching printed in colour, with hand- 1379painted detail, 2010 1382editioned 25/50 in lower margin andCHARLES BILLICH (1934-), ARTIST UNKNOWN,signed with Watsons monogram X, portrait of a young man, (fish and snakes),25 x 18cm; framed 55 x 46cm overall. oil on canvas,Created by the artist for inclusion in thesigned lower right Charles Billich, earth pigment on bark,deluxe edition of his 2010 monograph100 x 74cm, 111 x 85cm overall 48 x 107cmYannima Pikarli Tommy Watson$400600$120200 Ngayuku Ngara - My Country$500750 1383Three assorted still life oil paintings including DUDLEY DREW,the largest 56 x 72cm overall (3)$150250 '