b'15710271031 1034WILLIAM SYKES BAVERSTOCK (1893-1975) JULIAN SMITH (1873-1947),Pictorialist photographer, Christchurch, New Zealand.I.)Dick Swiveller,Group of 24 large-format carbon print and silver gelatin printII.)You Called Me Dog,photographs, circa 1920s - 1930s, with original board mounts,III.) Prof. Watson,signed and captioned by BAVERSTOCK, subjects include, circus, sideshows, landscapes, etc. Provenance: The JoyceIV.) The Plot Thickens,Evans Collection. The largest 47 x 50.5cm overall includingV.)Micawber,mount. VI.) The Scout,$500750photogravures,1032 all titled and signed in the lower margins,sheet size 42.5 x 34cm eachA.K. SPENCER 1921 ownership inscription on inside front$200300 cover of a small leather-bound album titled House Book, containing 16 photographs of Draycott, a newly built1035home at Brighton Beach, interiors, exteriors and the owners. Each image 7.5 x 12cm approx. POSTCARDS, an interesting array of predominantly real $100200photo examples, including Beechworth, Chiltern, Wangaratta, Warrnambool, Frankston, Toolangi, Monbulk, Sydney, 1033 South Australia etc, (95 cards)$120200 JULIAN SMITH (1873-1947),I.)Connoisseur, 1036II.)Leaf Music, POSTCARDS: AUSTRALIAN THEMES, including III.) W.B. McInnes, Queensland Aboriginals Tree Climbing, Bullock Team, IV.) Dolores, Drawing 12 Tons Wool, Queensland, Post Office, Traralgon plus novelty cards and other (100)V.)Heep $120200 photogravures,all titled and signed in the lower margins,42.5 x 34cm, 52 x 43cm approximately each overall$300500 1029'