b'1198249: Walter PEELER (1887 - 1968) born at Barkers Creek,survive. He led a charge, but the enemy continued to attack. Victoria. On 4 October 1917 Peeler was one of several LewisWith the trench under fire from three sides Symons built a gunners attached to the 37th Battalion for the attack ontimber barricade. Although the Turks set fire to the woodwork, Broodseinde Ridge. In the forefront, he led attacks against ahe extinguished the flames and finally forced the enemy to series of enemy posts, eventually accounting for over 30 ofdiscontinue their attacks. For his efforts he was awarded the enemy. A few days later, Peeler was wounded and whilethe Victoria Cross. His V.C. is displayed at the Australian War recuperating received the Victoria Cross from King GeorgeMemorial, Canberra.V. He was a Custodian of Victorias Shrine of Remembrance12: Phillip DAVEY (1896 - 1953) born at Unley, between 1934 and 1940 and from 1945 until 1964. HeSouth Australia. Davey enlisted in the A.I.F. in December was awarded the British Empire Medal in 1961. His V.C. is1914, and joined his unit, the 10th Battalion, on Lemnos on displayed at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra. 10 April 1915. Along with his battalion, he landed at Anzac 10: George CARTWRIGHT (1894 - 1978) born at SouthCove, Gallipoli, on 25 April. He fought at Anzac until he was Kensington, London. On 31 August 1918, serving withevacuated sick in early November, returning to Australia the the 33rd Battalion of the A.I.F., at Road Wood, south-westfollowing January. He rejoined his battalion on the Western of Bouchavesnes, near Peronne, France, two companiesFront in October 1916. In January 1918 he was awarded became held up by machine-gun fire. Cartwright attackedthe Military Medal for bravery in rescuing a wounded man the gun alone under intense fire. He shot three of the crew,under fire. He was promoted to corporal in April. In the and, having bombed the post, captured the gun and ninelead-up to the capture of Merris in June, he killed an eight-enemy soldiers. For his actions he was recommended forman German machine-gun crew, saving his platoon from the Victoria Cross. On 30 September 1918 he was woundedannihilation, for which he was awarded the VC. During this and evacuated to England. He was conferred with his VC byaction he was severely wounded. He returned to Australia King George V, and at the end of the war was repatriated toto be discharged. His V.C. is displayed at the Australian War Australia, arriving in March 1919. Cartwrights Victoria CrossMemorial, Canberra.and other decorations were donated to the Imperial War13: Edward John Francis (Jack) RYAN (1890 - 1941) born Museum in London, where they are on display. at Tumut, New South Wales. Ryan was 28 years old, and 11: William John SYMONS (1889 - 1948) born ata private in the 55th Battalion, A.I.F. when the following Eaglehawk, Victoria. Symons enlisted in the A.I.F. in Augustdeed took place for which he was awarded the VC. On 30 1914. Posted as a sergeant, he landed with the 7th BattalionSeptember 1918, at the Hindenburg Defences, France, when on Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. He was commissioned secondthe enemy succeeded in establishing a bombing party in the lieutenant the next day, and promoted to lieutenant on 2rear of the battalions recently won position, Private Ryan, July. In the early hours of 9 August the Turks made a serieson his own initiative, organized and led a party of men with of attacks on Jacobs Trench at Lone Pine. Symons wasbombs and bayonets against the enemy. He reached the ordered to retake the trench, knowing he would be lucky toposition with only three men and they succeeded in driving'