b'1701117THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image B4 - Title: Whaling in Antarctica,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 6, 1931 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, The Discovery coming alongside the huge whaling factory, Sir James Clark Ross.shows an average days catch of the blue whales.,20 x 26cm.$2503501118THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image B5 - Title: New Discoveries in Antarctica,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC 1117 EXPEDITION handstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 6, 1931 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, The penguin-covered foreshore at Scullin Monolith, MacRobertson Land.,20 x 26cm.$200300 1119THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image B6 - Title: Raising the Flag over new Antarctica Territory,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 13, 1931 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, .the party is here singing the national anthem after the reading of the official proclamation,20 x 26cm.$200300112111201115 THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION: Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: Image B7 - Title: Once Shambles - Now Sanctuary,Image B2 - Title: Landing at Cape Bruce, MacRobertson Land, with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONhandstamp and release date TUESDAY APR. 28, 1931 handstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 6, 1931 verso,verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details together with the official letterhead, title, and details of theof the image, .in the background can be seen the ruins image, .members of the scientific staff about to effect aof a boiling down factory where hundreds of thousands of landing on the newly discovered shores., penguins were once rendered down for oil annually,20 x 26cm. 20 x 26cm.$200300$200300 1116 1121THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION: THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image B3 - Title: Off the Shores of Princess Elizabeth Land, Image B8 - Title: Telling it to the Penguins,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONwith official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 13, 1931 verso,handstamp and release date TUESDAY APR. 28, 1931 together with the official letterhead, title, and details of theverso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of image, A charming study of the Discovery passing throughthe image, Flying Officer Douglas serenading the Antarctic loose ice packs in the Mackenzie Sea., flappers with the latest Broadway melody,26 x 20cm. 20 x 26cm.$250300$200300'