b'107757756 759A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER FROM MONASH TO HISJohn Monash Oct / 1930 dated signature on blank DAUGHTER, BERTHA: dated Jany 19, 1929 and onfront page of volume one of The Canterbury Tales, Iona letterhead; Monash writes about his regrets[Edinburgh : James Nichol], 1860, 3 volumes.in not being with Bert on her birthday owning$200300to our respective peregrinations; he signs off your affectionate Daddy, John Monash. 760$300500 John Monash Apl. / 1930 dated signature to blank title page of A Greater than Napoleon ; Scipio Africanus by Captain 757 B.H. Liddell Hart [London : William Blackwood & Sons., 1928], JOHN MONASH CONSULTING ENGINEER brass sign282pp + plates.(15.5 x 53.5cm) made by C.G. Roeszler & Son., 264 LittleA two-page hand-written note from Liddell Hart on Army & Collins Street, Melbourne, with their imprint at lower right.Navy Club, Pall Mall letterhead is affixed to the inside front The sign was removed from the building in which Monashcover. Dated 4.5.30 it reads, in part:had his office. Dear General,John Monash, Engineer: I happened to hearthat you are a reader of my books. That During the worst of the depression of the 1890s, Monashfact gives me a more than ordinary pleasureAn intense and started with the Harbour Trust, an organisation that aimedextensive study of the history of the war, which has generally to improve access for shipping to Melbourne. While workingbrought disillusionment, has left me with a steadily rising at the trust, he also studied part time. He completed theappreciation of your own record & gifts as a commander. I municipal surveyors course and enrolled as a student offeel, indeed, that you stand out almost unique among the the Supreme Court. He began studying the water supplysenior generals on our side.We suffered & are still suffering engineers course and also completed his Bachelor of Arts. Infor the failure to find a general big enough to grasp the 1894 he started private practice as a consulting engineer andimmensity & complexity of the war situation & tackle it with graduated in Arts and Law in 1895. Monash soon becameappropriate aptitude. So far as I can see in a survey of possible one of Australias foremost experts in reinforced concrete forcandidates, in you, had you been C-in-C, would have been the bridges, railways and other large construction projects. best chance of this.After the First World War, he returned to engineering$500800 and became Chairman of Victorias new State Electricity Commission. In his later years, he761supervised construction of MelbournesJohn Monash Feby / 1930 dated Shrine of Remembrance and oversawsignature to the blank front end paper the public appeal for funds. Heof Houdini - His Life Story by Harold rewrote the inscription planned forKellock, [London : William Heinemann the west wall. In 1929 the Institute ofLimited, 1st ed. 1928], 379pp + plates.Engineers, Australia awarded Sir John$200300 its highest honour, the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal, and in June 1931 the University of Melbourne gave762him the Kernot Memorial Medal forJohn Monash June / 1930 dated distinguished achievement in Australiansignature to blank front end paper engineering. of Rabelais by Anatole France. $500800 translated by Ernest Boyd,[London : Victor Gollancz Ltd., 758 1st ed.,1929], 285pp incl. plates.$200300A Pitcairn Island palmwood walking stick with clenched fist handle. A somewhat faded contemporary label in Monashs hand reads This stick was presented to me by Mr. Kosky of Rabaul on 6 - 3 - 30. It was made from a Palm on Pitcairn Island by a descendent762of the Bounty crew. 94cm long.$300500 '