b'104738 742NORMAN LINDSAY (1879-1969), John Monash Aug / 26 dated signatures to the blank front Pen Drawings, end papers of both volumes of Plutarchs Lives of Illustrious Men.translated by John and William Landhorne, [London : [Sydney : Arthur McQuitty & Co., 1924], folio, quarter vellum, Chatto and Windus, 1878]; 584pp + 548pp + adverts. (2 vols.).limited edition of 500, this being No.54, signed in pen byThe blank end papers further endorsed Norman Lindsay, and dated Nov / 1924 in Monashsfrom Sir H. Allens Library in Monashs hand.characteristic style. $300500 With an introduction by Francis Crossle and twelve plates.$500800 743739 John Monash Aug / 1926 undated signatures to blank front end papers of both volumes of The Life and Opinions of John Monash Dec /1925 dated signature to blankTristram Shandy, Gentleman & A Sentimental Journey through front endpaper of The Origins of the War of 1870.France and Italy by Laurence Sterne,by Richard Howard Lord, [London : Macmillan and Co., 1st ed., 1900], 368pp + adverts., [Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1924] 305pp. 378pp + adverts. (2 vols.).$200300 $300500740 744THE GEELONG PEACE MEMORIAL John Monash Nov / 1926 dated signature to the blank front A 15ct gold letter opener in the shape of a presentation swordend paper of Old Colonial Architecture in New South Wales with the Australian Military Forces Coat-of-Arms applied to theand Tasmania by Hardy Wilson,decorative hilt; the blade inscribed on one side PRESENTED[Sydney : Union House, 1924], 10, iii, [+50 plates], signed by TO LIEUT GENERAL SIR JOHN MONASH. G.C.M.G - K.C.Bthe author; limited edition No.891 of 1000.- V.D - ETC. and on the reverse ON THE OCCASION OFPatterned card boards and cloth spine, with gilt lettering to UNVEILING THE TABLETS GEELONG - PEACE - MEMORIALboth and gilt decoration to boards. In original slipcase.31 - 10 - 1926, made by HAMMERTONS of GEELONG with$500750 their markers mark to the hilt.The Geelong Peace Memorial was built to commemorate the745soldiers who served in World War One, and continues thisJohn Monash May 1927 dated signature to blank front role with the addition of names of service men and womanendpaper of The Boys Book of Magic by Hereward who served in every war since the Great War. The memorialCarrington,features the names of approximately 3,500 personnel who[London : George Routledge & Sons.] 284pp. enlisted from the Geelong region and served in World Wars(Some water stains/defects).One and Two. The building also contains a number of honour$100200 rolls which commemorate the Korean, Malaya, Borneo, Vietnam and Iraq conflicts, United Nations operations, Medical officers, Nursing services, and Prisoners of War. The foyer746was officially opened on 31 October 1926, by the Governor ofJohn Monash Oct /27 dated signature to blank front Victoria, Lord Somers, with John Monash a guest of honour. endpaper of A Complete History of the Lives and Robberies $3,0005,000 of the most notorious Highwaymen footpads, shoplifts, & cheats of both sexes. by Captain Alexander Smith,741 [London : George Routledge & Sons,1926] 607pp + plates.John Monash Oct / 26 dated signatures on the title pages of$200300 two volumes from the Everymans Library - namely, Huxleys Lectures and Lay Sermons and Caesars Commentaries,[London : J.M. Dent & Sons], 2 vols.$300500 738 739 743'