b'125Ex 846849 852SIR GEORGE HOUSTON REID (1845 - 1918), AUSTRALIASSIR EDMUND BARTON limited edition 621/1200, 4th PRIME MINISTER: original pen signature, G.H. ReidBENDIGO POTTERY flask,with good wishes and dated 9.5.18 (3 months before he18cm highdied) on a cutting. He was Prime Minister for less than a year,$120200from August 1904 until July 1905.$200250 850W.H. HUGHES pen signature on Attorney-General, Commonwealth of Australia letterhead, dated 25th November, 1940. The letter refers to an offer of service to be referred to the Minister for Air.Billy Hughes, Prime Minister between 1915 - 1923, was Attorney-General for four periods, including March 1939 - October 1941.$200250 851J. McEWAN pen signature on Minister for Air letterhead, dated at Canberra, 3rd December, 1940. The letter, addressed to Billy Hughes, regards an applicant for a teaching position with the RAAF.Sir John McEwan was Australias 18th Prime Minister, briefly serving in that role between December 1967 and January 1968, following the disappearance of Prime Minister Harold Holt.$150200 852'