b'1581039Polar Exploration 1040THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:(The final selection of Frank Hurley Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:photogaphs from a Melbourne estate) Image A4 - Title: A mid-day snack in the field,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date THURSDAY FEB.13, 1930 1037 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION: of the image, Standing are (from left) Mr. J.W.S. Marr, Prof. Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: Harvey Johnson & Dr. W.W. Ingram; Sitting, Messrs. M. Image A1 - Title: The Inhabitants ofMoyes, E. Douglas, S.A.C. Campbell, Sir Douglas Mawson, Possession Island enjoy a fine day, R.A. Falla and H.O. Fletcher,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION20 x 26cm.handstamp and release date THURSDAY FEB.13,$200300 1930 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, Sunshine in the1041stormy Crozet Island Group is rare., THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:20 x 26cm. Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:$200300Image A5 - Title: The Belle of Crozet,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION 1038 handstamp and release date THURSDAY FEB.13, 1930 THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION: verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: the image, Dr. Ingram of the B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Expedition Image A2 - Title: Peace after Storm, staff is holding a bonny young albatross.,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION20 x 26cm.handstamp and release date THURSDAY FEB.13, 1930$300400verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, A charming corner of cobbly beach hemmed in by the rugged bluff of Point Cosmos, Possession Island.,20 x 26cm.$200300 1039THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image A3 - Title: A sheltered lee in stormy sub-Antarctic latitudes,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date THURSDAY FEB.13, 1930 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, American Bay on the East coast of Possession Island is one of the few havens in the Crozet Group.,9.5 x 25cm.$2503001041'