b'19105 111108 110 112GRACE SECCOMBE potteryGRACE SECCOMBE pottery statue of aGRACE SECCOMBE pottery statue of a kookaburra on a log, laughing kookaburra with beak open, statue of a koala,incised G. S. Aust., 9.5cm high incised G. S., Aus.,8.5cm high $1502508cm high$400600 $300500 111109 GRACE SECCOMBE pottery113GRACE SECCOMBE potterystatue of a koala, GRACE SECCOMBE rare pottery statue statue of a kookaburra on a log, moulded mark G. S., N.S.W., of a sulphur crested cockatoo,incised Grace Seccombe, N.S.W.,10.5cm high 13cm highAustralia with original paper label$400600 $250350 No.2, Grace Seccombe,7cm high 114$400600 NEWTONE rare pottery vase adorned with three dimensional hand-painted kookaburras in a tree,black factory mark to base Newtone Pottery, Sydney, Hand Painted,9cm high, 12cm wide$250350115NEWTONE POTTERY vase with hand-painted landscape on blue ground, attributed to Daisy Merton,stamped Newtone Pottery, Sydney, Hand Painted,10.5cm high$100200 116WILLIAM RICKETTS pottery sculpture with two Aboriginal figures,incised Out of the rock they come, spirits from the eternal sun. Wm. Ricketts,8cm high, 12cm wide$300500 114'