b'2161423Two tribal drums, carved wood, Papua New Guinea origin,the larger 71cm long (2)$120200 1424Three tribal masks, carved and fibre with remains of painted finish, Papua New Guinea origin,the largest 39cm high (3)$200300 1425Three tribal masks, carved and 1412 shell with remains of painted finish, Papua New Guinea origin,the largest 44cm high (3)$250350 1409 1416 1426Bird spirit figure, carved wood, shellAn impressive Massim canoe shapedTwo sword clubs, lime spatula and and remains of polychrome finish,bowl, carved wood with remains ofdance wand, Papua New Guinea origin,Papua New Guinea origin, piped clay, East Papua New Guinea, the largest 74cm long (4)40cm high 112.5cm wide $150250 $150250 $4006001410 1417Artifacts and ornaments, carved woodsix penis gourds, West and shell, Papua New Guinea origin, Papua New Guinea origin,the largest 51cm long (13) the largest 32cm long$120200$250350 1411 1418Four hair combs, carved wood and fibre,Highlands headrest, carved with Papua New Guinea origin, bands of incised decoration, the largest 36cm long (4) Papua New Guinea origin,$10020020cm high, 43cm wide$250350 1412 1419Three arm bands, carved tortoiseshell,Highlands headrest, carved wood, Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea origin,the largest 12cm high (3) 18cm high, 35cm wide$300500 $2503501413 1420Three tribal masks, carved woodThree tribal paddles, carved wood, and shell with painted finish,Papua New Guinea origin,Papua New Guinea, the largest 191cm high (3)the largest 57cm high (3) $120200 $200300 14211414 A tribal paddle, carved wood, Three tribal masks, carved woodTrobriand Islands,and shell with painted finish,153cm longPapua New Guinea, $150250 the largest 47cm high (3)$2003001422Two tribal paddles, carved wood, 1415 Papua New Guinea origin,Three tribal masks, carved woodthe larger 166cm long (2)and fibre with painted finish,$120200 Papua New Guinea,the largest 60cm high (3)$150250 1409'