b'24162 168GUS McLAREN lidded pottery jarREG PRESTON Australian studio with hand-painted decoration, pottery fruit bowl and tureen,incised Gus McLaren 93, both signed Preston,17cm high the bowl 31cm diameter (2)$200300 $120200 163 169GUS McLAREN pottery piggy bank, MILTON MOON Australian pottery incised G. McL., bread crock with black and bronze glaze,10cm high, 21cm wide hand-signed monogram to base,$40060024cm high, 31cm across the handles.A near identical example is 164 held in the collection of the National Gallery of Australia.GUNDA pottery fruit bowl, together$200300 with an ELLIS pottery wall plaque,both signed,34cm and 32cm diameter (2) 170$150250Two pottery bird statues,the largest 13cm high (2)165 $100200 MICHAEL LEUNIG rare pottery coffee pot with fish decoration, 171incised M. Leunig, SYLVIA HALPERN pair of pottery bird 18cm high statues with applied feather decoration,$400600 signed Sylvia Halpern,the larger 18.5cm high (2)166 $120200 McLAREN (attributed) NED KELLY statue made in three sections, 17234cm high SCATTERBROOK pottery vase glazed $400600 in red and green with blue interior,impressed monogram mark,167 15cm high 166RAY ROGERS New Zealand studio$150250 pottery flying saucer pot,incised Ray Rogers, 17338cm across HIRO SWEN pottery vase,$100200signed Hiro Swen,22cm high$1,2002,000162 165'