b'94705704 707John Monash undated signature to the titleA two-page typed letter from John Monash to his daughter, page of The Planetary and Stellar Worlds.Bertha, dated July 23rd 1906. Dear Bert, he writes, I am by O.M. Mitchel and James Glaisher, just sending you a few lines so that you may have a definite [London : James Blackwood & Co.,] 240pp + adverts., guide as to what to do on your return journey.About 9.30 Endorsed to blank front end paper A new exploration foror 10 it will be time to go to the Railway Station at Swan Hill Johnny. Melbourne 27 June 1878. with Capt. Cantwell and ask him to make you snug in a first Although in rather dilapidated condition, a gift received byclass corridor Ladies compartment., you get to Bendigo John Monash on the occasion of his barmitzvah - his thirteenthat 6.10pm, and you will no doubt find me on the Bendigo birthday - at East Melbourne Synagogue. platform waiting for you, when you will have no further worry $100200about anything in all the world.- Dad.$300500 705 708JOHN MONASHS FIRST PRIZE FOR MATHEMATICS J. Monash undated signature to blank front end paper AT SCOTCH COLLEGE, 1880:of The Food of the Gods and How it came to Earth ADAM SMITH, by H.G. Wells,An Inquiry into the nature and causes[London : Thomas Nelson & Sons.,], 287pp.of the WEALTH OF NATIONS,[London : Ward, Lock, & Co., 782pp; green leather binding$200300with gilt; Scotch College Melbourne emblem to front cover.With 16th December, 1880 Scotch College First Prize label709affixed to inside front cover: Mathematics, Sixth Class,John Monash undated signature to blank front end Awarded to J. Monash paper of Nonsense Novels by Stephen Leacock,$200300 [London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 3rd ed.], 231pp + adverts.706 Endorsed below Monashs signature With love from Mat, A seven-page typed LETTER FROM MONASH TO HIS27/6/13 and with a tipped-in signed letter from the author DAUGHTER, BERTHA: dated 6th July 1906. Bertha, thirteen(May 1923) at McGill University, Ontario.years old, is about to embark on a train journey and her father$200300has written an extensive letter with much detail about where she will be, when and with whom: 6.45am You will leave710Spencer Street while it is still quite dark, but it is fortunateJohn Monash July 1914 dated signatures on the title that the first 20 miles of your journey are very uninteresting.-pages of two volumes from the Everymans Library - namely, At about 7.30, when you look out o the East, you will beHuxleys Essays and Bunyans Pilgrims Progress, [London able to watch the sun rising, and by 7.45 you will get near: J.M. Dent & Sons], 2 vols.Sunbury The almost military precision of his fatherly$300500advice continues for several pages and concludes with his hand-written signature, John Monash.$300500 '