b'1641076 1078THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION: THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image A42 - Title: Cheering the Flag, Image A44 - Title: The Last Outpost,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONwith official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 28, 1930handstamp and release date TUESDAY APR. 29, 1930 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details ofverso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, A scene on the heights overlooking Proclamationthe image, .this remarkable iceberg, 200ft. in height, was Harbor, Enderby Land., encountered by The Discovery.,20 x 26cm. 20 x 26cm.$250300 $200300 1077 1079THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION: THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image A43 - Title: Repelling an Air Raid, Image A45 - Title: Mrs. Gentoo Penguin and Baby,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONwith official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date MONDAY APR. 28, 1930handstamp and release date TUESDAY APR. 29, 1930 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details ofverso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, Two Rockhopper Penguins (Heard Island) preparethe image, .an exclusive portrait at Heard Island,to meet the attack of a predatory Skua Gull., 26 x 20cm.26 x 20cm. $200300 $200300 1080THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image A46 - Title: The Abode of Science on Heard Island,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, The tiny hut in which eight scientists of the Mawson Antarctic Expedition dwelt during a prolonged blizzard.,20 x 26cm.$2503501081THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image A47 - Title: New Discoveries in Antarctica,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date TUESDAY APR. 29, 1930 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details 1076 of the image, .Proclamation Island.on the summit of which the Union Jack was raised.,11.5 x 34.5cm.$2003001082THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image A48 - Title: Trailing South,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date TUESDAY APR. 29, 1930 verso, together with the official letterhead, title, and details of the image, The wake of the Discovery through typical Brash ice.,34.5 x 12cm.$300400 1080'