b'128863863 864Matthus SEUTTER (1678-1757), FRANCOIS VALENTIJN (1666-1727),Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei Statione Variante Et VisuAnthony Van Diemens Land,Intercedente Per Coluros Tropicorum, Per Amboscopper plate engraving, 1726,Polos Et Partciul Sphaerae Zenith In Planum Delineatidepicting the scene described in Abel Tasmans Orthographici Prospectus, journal on 25th November 1642,[Augsburg, circa 1730], image 13 x 17cm; whole page 34 x 21cm.hand-coloured copper engraving, This land being the first land we have met with in the South sheet size 57 x 66cm. Sea and not known to any European nation, we have conferred on it the name of Anthoony Van Diemenslandt in honour of A striking double-hemisphere world map, combiningthe Honourable Governor-General, our illustrious master, scientific diagrams with decorative imagery. Based onwho sent us to make this discoveryAllards influential map of 1696, it features twelve smaller$400600 hemispheric and scientific projections framing the central maps. The sheet focuses on two central hemispheres surrounded by eight smaller, circular projections depicting865the world from various orientations, as well as four circularPIERRE VAN DER AA (1659-1733),scientific diagrams. Partial coastlines for Australia (NovaDer Hollanderen Eerste Scheepstogt na Oost-Indien, Hollandia), New Guinea, and surrounding lands are depictedonder den Hr. CORNELIS HOUTMAN Gedaan int in the Pacific. The shores of Australia are based on early Dutch encounters with the northern and western coastlines,Iaar 1595and place names on the western coast are marked with theircopper plate engraving, Leiden,1729,years of discovery. The Southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans23 x 29cm; framed 45 x 55.5cm overall.remain conspicuously empty, noted only as Terra AustralisThe coast of Western Australia, as explored by Hartog, Incognita, or unknown southern land, a departure from theis well represented.grandiose southern continents often seen on earlier and even$400600 contemporary world maps.$2,0002,500'