b'121was Mentioned in Despatches on 1 June 1917 and awarded the Victoria Cross on 16 September 1918 for actions in July 1918. His citation for the Victoria Cross, gained at Villers-Bretonneux, at the age of 37, reads in part: During the period 17/18 July.Lieutenant Borella, whilst leading his platoon, charged and captured an enemy machine-gun, shooting two gunners. He then led his party, by now reduced to 10 men and two Lewis guns, against a very strongly held trench, using his revolver and later a rifle with great effect and causing many casualties. Two large dug-outs were also bombed and 30 prisoners taken His Victoria Cross is privately held.Sir Charles Kinnaird MACKELLAR, K.C.M.G., M.B., Ch.M. (1844 - 1926) born at Sydney, New South Wales. Member of the N.S.W. Legislative Council for nearly 40 years. His military service was as Surgeon, 2nd Regiment of Volunteer Rifles 1872 - 1882.18: Maurice BUCKLEY (1891 - 1921) born at Hawthorn, Victoria. Buckley joined the 13th Light Horse Regiment on 18 December 1914 shortly after the outbreak of the War. In July 1915, he arrived in Egypt with reinforcements for his regiment, but in Cairo contracted a venereal disease. He was sent back to Australia with 274 other VD-infected men, and in September 1915 was admitted to an Army medical isolation-detention barracks at Langwarrin, near Melbourne, that had been established earlier in 1915 to receive and treat VD-infected soldiers from Egypt. In January 1916 he escaped from Langwarrin, and was declared a deserter on 20 March.On 6 May 1916 he enlisted again, this time in Sydney, using the name Gerald Sextoncomprising his recently deceased younger brothers first name and his mothers maiden name. He was sent to France in early 1917, where he fought on the Western Front. Following the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal he was promoted to sergeant in August 1918 and involved in the advance on the Hindenburg Line.He was awarded the Victoria Cross in the name Gerald Sexton for his actions on 18 September 1918, at Le Verguier near Saint-Quentin. His unit was advancing under cover of a825creeping barrage but was held up by German machine gun posts. Buckley attacked them with his Lewis gun section and captured 30 German prisoners of war. When the advancethree and capturing four enemy. He thus enabled his company was again held up by machine-gun fire, Sergeant Buckley,to penetrate the wire and reach the objective. Later, he again supported by another platoon, put the enemy guns out ofdashed forward and silenced, single-handed, a gun which action. Later, he again showed conspicuous initiative inwas holding up a flank company. Subsequently, when with capturing hostile posts and machine-guns. According to thetwo men only he attempted to capture a strong party of the citation, he was to the fore dealing with enemy machine- enemy, he handled a most involved situation very skilfully, and guns, rushing enemy posts, and performing great feats ofit was due to his resource that he and his comrades escaped.bravery and endurance without faltering or for a momentThroughout the day Lt. Maxwell set a high example of taking cover. The award of the VC was originally gazettedpersonal bravery, coupled with excellent judgment and quick under the name Gerald Sexton, but he had disclosed hisdecision.real identity by the time that it was presented to him by KingIn 2003, Maxwells medals were presented to the Australian George V at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace on 29 MayWar Memorial on a permanent loan basis.1919. His V.C. is displayed at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra. 82519: Joseph Joe MAXWELL , VC, MC & Bar, DCM (18961967) born at Forest Lodge, Sydney N.S.W. Described asWILLIAM Rusty RUTHVEN, VC (1893-1970),Australias second most decorated soldier of the First WorldLarge format original photograph by The Allen Studio, War, he enlisted in the A.I.F. in February 1915, and served atCollingwood, with plaque affixed to lower mount, LIEUT. Gallipoli before being transferred to the Western Front. In justWm RUTHVEN 22nd Batt. 6th Brigade, V.C. - Presented to the over twelve months he was commissioned and decorated fourCollingwood Branch, R.S. & S.I.L.A. by Cr Wm Marshall, J.P.,times for his bravery. framed & glazed, 105 x 77cm overall.The full citation for Maxwells Victoria Cross appeared in aBorn in Collingwood, Victoria, William Ruthven was supplement to the London Gazette on 6 January 1919: educated locally at the Vere Street State School. He became Lt. Joseph Maxwell, M.C., D.C.M., 18th Bn., A.I.F. a mechanical engineer and was employed in the timber For most conspicuous bravery and leadership in attack on theindustry prior to his enlistment in the Australian Imperial Beaurevoir-Fonsomme line near Estrees, North of St. Quentin,Force in April 1915 for service in the First World War. He on the 3rd October, 1918. was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions on 19th May, 1918 at Ville-sur-Ancre. His Victoria Cross is displayed at the His company commander was severely wounded early inAustralian War Memorial in Canberra. The Ruthven Soldiers the advance, and Lt. Maxwell at once took charge. TheClub in Broadmeadows was opened in his honour in 1959, enemy wire when reached under intense fire was found toand in 1963 the Ruthven railway station near Reservoir be exceptionally strong and closely supported by machinewas named after him.guns, whereupon Lt. Maxwell pushed forward single-handed$1,2001,500through the wire and captured the most dangerous gun, killing'