b'127860Maps 861VINCENZO CORONELLI (1650-1718),860 Het Niew Hollandt. Nuova Guinea,FREDERICK de WIT (1629-1706), published Venice, [1697],copper plate engraved globe gore of the Dutch discoveries in Magnum Mare del Zur cum Insula California, the Spice Islands, Papua New Guinea and Australia from the copper engraving, with hand-colouring, northwest Cape to the Gulf of Carpentaria,50 x 60cm; framed 77 x 89cm overall. map size 23 x 29cm, with Italian text below and on verso of From: Orbis Maritimus ofte Zee Atlas. Amsterdam, c. 1680. map, overall sheet size 40 x 30cm; framed 69 x 59cm.This finely engraved chart of the Pacific was first published$500600 in De Wits Orbis Maritimus ofte Zee Atlas in 1675. The chart shows a post Tasman East Indies. The chart includes the862Dutch discoveries made up to Abel Tasmans second voyagePIERRE VAN DER AA (1659-1733),of 1644, including the outlines of Anthoni van Diemens Landt (Tasmania) and the partial outlines of New Zealand, discoveredScheeps-Togt door Ferdinand Magellaan uit Kastilien in 1642-3. Further north are the discoveries made in 1606 bygedaan na R. de laPlata en van daar door zyn Willem Janszoon aboard the Duyfkin, including the shorelinesOntdekte Straat tot aan de Moluccas,of the Gulf of Carpentaria and New Guinea. California iscopper-plate engraving, Leiden, circa 1706,shown as an island and the portrayal of Japan is quite curious.22.5 x 34cm; framed 45 x 55.5cm overall.Decorated with 4 sailing ships, a compass rose, rhumb lines and a striking cartouche, surmounted by Magellans portrait,A striking map with a lovely cartouche, illustrating the voyage this is one of the best Pacific Ocean Maps of the period. of Magellan from Spain, through the Straits of Magellan $2,0003,000 and on to Southeast Asia, where he was killed, prior to the completion of the circumnavigation by his second in command. New Guinea and part of the north coast of Australia are included, as well as small sections of New Zealand.$500750 '