b'36Goldfields289 290 292VICTORIAN GOLDFIELDS: THE OLDAntique gold scales in oak case with1 Colony Of Victoria, MINERS RIGHT IDENTITIES ASSOCIATION, Ballarat,assorted lozenge and cup weights,printed on vellum, issued to ARTHUR 1851-1854, medal in silver (32.5mm)19th century, HOPE at Melbourne on the 11th of with suspension ring; Ballarat (Charlesthe case 19cm wide January, 1855 (shortly after his arrival in Andrew Welch, Jeweller, 23 Sturt$120200Melbourne) and endorsed to be in force Street, Ballarat), inscribed on reverseuntil 10 January, 1856. The document Arrived Aug / 53 / W. Lanndon. The291 is further endorsed verso by Arthur obverse shows mining equipment usedHope indicating the it was renewed until in the early days. Four other examplesWelcome Nugget tobacco29th of November 1873 by which time are known; one of which is in theadvertisement, he was residing in an elegant mansion Museum Victoria Collection, and onechromolithographic print, circa 1860, Bonnington in Toorak Rd South Yarra. in the Gold Museum at Sovereign Hill.for T.C. Williams Co., Manufacturers,This 1855/56 Miners Right on vellum is The Old Identities Association wasVirginia, U.S.A. the earliest example seen in our rooms. the short-lived forerunner to the Old26 x 26cm; framed 49.5 x 48cm overall. Together with an 1854 volume of The Colonists Association: to qualify forThe image references the WelcomePoetical Works Of John Milton with membership one had to have arrivedNugget, discovered at Bakery Hill,inscription From GEORGE J. INGLIS in Ballarat between 1851 and 1854.Ballarat in 1858, and weighing 71.3As A Forget Me Not To His Friend Welch produced sixty medals. kilograms, at the time, the largestARTHUR HOPE On His Leaving Great $1,0001,500 alluvial gold nugget ever found. Britain For Australia, London, October $2003001854. (2 items).$2,0003,000289'