b'2151399 1404 1408Six lime spatulas, carved wood,Three carved wooden statuesCanoe bailer, carved wood, Papua New Guinea origin, including a standing Merry,East Sepik River, Papua New Guinea,the largest 42cm long (6) Papua New Guinea origin, 33cm long$250350the largest 32cm high (3) $120200 $120200 1400Six lime spatulas, carved wood,1405Papua New Guinea origin, Four tribal animal totems, carved the largest 51cm long (6) wood, shell and remains of piped clay, $200300Papua New Guinea origin,the largest 33cm high (4)1401 $120200 Eight assorted lime spatulas, carved wood, Papua New Guinea origin, 1406the largest 30cm long (8) Five figural statues, carved wood, $300500Papua New Guinea origin,39cm high (5)1402 $150250 Three fish net weaving shuttles, Papua New Guinea, 1407the largest 44cm long (3) Six assorted lime pots, carved wood, $120200Papua New Guinea origin,the largest 18cm high (6)1403 $120200 Three tapa beaters, carved hardwood, Papua New Guinea origin,the largest 28cm long (3)$120200 1391 1396 1394 1393'